Ceramic Sculpture
and Freelance Artworks

Caroly Van Duyn
Lives, Works and Explores in North Carolina, Connecticut, Maine, and...
One of my greatest passions is exploring nature and all of its variations. I often take long walks in forests, or along the shore, or in surrounding neighborhoods. I also enjoy sitting in cafes and sketching human characters of all kinds.
Observation of nature and people existing and evolving around me, inspire my sculptural portraits.
Sculpting gives me dimensional, textural and painterly opportunities to share my ideas.
My initial clay structures are architectural in their design, leading to more organic manifestations. Nature also has fundamental structures adapting to environmental demands, this is a phenomenon we can observe. Trees emanate beauty and strength in their natural struggle to adapt, but it is an innate power. They are a culmination of dynamic forms, housing the living being within.
Fabric, bark, wood, branches, stone, snow and many other materials can be shaped by the human hand for function, but also carries the potential for expressive power.
We share with nature common patterns of creating shelter and protection for living and growth, but as human beings, we also organize
space to express ourselves and communicate. Beyond simple survival, we search for beauty.
MFA; Purchase School of Art and Design, SUNY Purchase, NY
MA; Art History, SUNY College at Purchase, SUNY Purchase, NY
BFA; SUNY College at Purchase, NY
Silvermine School of Art; CT; Welding, Lithography, Ceramics
CT Institute of Art; Computer Graphic Design
Silvermine Art School, CT; Drawing, Collage and Collograph
SUNY at Purchase, NY; Intro to Drawing and 2D
SUNY at Purchase, NY; TA for Alina Tensor; Intro to Sculpture
SUNY at Purchase, NY; TA for Antonio Frasconi; Printmaking
Claymakers Arts Organization, NC; Sculptural Ceramics
Silvermine Art Guild, CT; TA for Charles Delong; Lithography
Freelance Sculpture Work Experience
Freelance Sculptor • www.scientificartstudio.com
Sculpture Instructor • www.claymakers.org
Artistrystone Art and Architectural Tile, Designer and CEO
Freelance Project Highlights
2017-2019-Privately commissioned architectural sculptures and installations, Hillsboro, Northern CA.
2016 - "Bell Tower Pelicans" Commission, Bok Tower Gardens, FL
2016 -"Chimney Swift", "Tundra Swan" Commissions, Audubon, NC
2015 -"Gate of the Infantry Triptych" Commission for National Building Museum, Washington, DC
2015 -"Featured Designer" National Building Museum
2011 - "Featured New Handmade Designer/Maker"
New York International Gift Show 2011
2009 - Developed Artistrystone Art & Architectural Tile, Durham NC
2006 - United Arts Council Grant, NC
2006 - "Artist in Residence", North Rim, Grand Canyon, AZ
Selection of Solo, Juried and Invitational Exhibitions
2024 - Metamorphasis, Silvermine Art Guild, New Canaan, CT
2022 - MFA Show, PS122 Gallery, NY. NY
2022 - MFA Show, Richard and Dolly Maas Gallery Purchase, NY
2019 -"Passages, Boats, Bridges & Sea Life
Navel Historic Museum, Vallejo, CA
2017 - "Arboreal Architecture", Liberty Arts Collective, Durham, NC
2017 - Anniversary Show, Bloodroot Collective, Bridgeport. CT
2016 - "Figurative Ceramic Sculpture" Claymakers, NC
2016 - Eno River Festival, Durham, NC *Best 3D Artist
2013 - "Five Artists, Handbuilt" Claymakers, NC
2013 - Annual Juried Exhibition, Durham Art Guild, NC *Peoples Choice Award
2008 - "National Juried Sculpture Exhibition" New Bern, NC
*Honorable Mention
2008 - Annual Fine Arts Exhibition, Raleigh Fine Arts Society, NC *Honorable Mention
2007 - Solo Show, Durham Art Guild, Durham, NC
2007 - Grand Canyon AIR group exhibition, AZ
2006 - National Sculpture Show, New Bern, NC
*Honorable Mention
2006 - Durham Art Guild, NC *Peoples Choice Award
2006 - Solo Show, Lee Hansley Gallery Raleigh NC
2005 - "21st Annual" Juried, Women's Center, Chapel Hill, NC
2004 - "11th Annual Juried" Cary Fine Arts League, NC
1998 - "Shields and Shells " Portside Gallery, Rowayton, CT
1998 - Two Woman, Theater Arts Institute Gallery, NYC
1997 - "Monotype Prints", Picture This Gallery, Westport CT
1996 - "Five Views", Duracell International, CT
1994 - "Transformations, Monotypes Prints and Clay"
Chesebrough Ponds Gallery, Westport, CT
1993 - "Guilt, Fear and Intimacy" Clapp&Tuttle Gall, Woodbury, CT
1993 - "Pool of Thoughts", Prints, Picture This Gallery, Wspt, CT
1992 - "Spiritual Journeys", Prints, Picture This Gallery, CT
1991 - "Arts Alive", Invitational, Norfield Grange, Weston, CT
1991 - "The Abstract View" Noroton Gallery, Noroton, CT
1989 - "Art of the Northeast", Silvermine Art Guild, New Canaan, CT
*Honorable Mention
2016 - "About the Artist" Brochure, Audubon, NC
2016 - "About the Artist" Brochure, Bok Tower Gardens, FL
2015 - "About the Artist" Brochure, National Building Museum
2015 - "Full Time Artist" Arts Business Institute, on line publication
2014 - "500 Figures in Clay" Lark Books
1976 - "Assemblage" Gerald McConnell